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Read and learn more about what’s going on in the world of CBD and more topics we know you’ll love.

Getting the Results You Want with your CBD

Getting the Results You Want with your CBD

In many ways, cannabidiol (CBD) can help you achieve your health and wellness goals, but how frequently should you take it? If you are getting started trying out CBD, or are seeking better results, here is some guidance…

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Bringing Wellness to You with a Huge Price Reduction!

Bringing Wellness to You with a Huge Price Reduction!

DENVER, CO: Strainz, producers of premium CBD products since 2013, is now pleased to announce a sharp reduction in pricing. We want to ensure that Strainz products are accessible and affordable in this time of rising inflation and high energy costs.  Recent advances...

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The Therapeutic Use of CBD for Stress and Anxiety

The Therapeutic Use of CBD for Stress and Anxiety

Do you frequently experience anxiety or stress? Numerous studies have found the therapeutic effects of CBD to be effective for combating anxiety and other overlapping health issues. Some research has shown that it may work by affecting serotonin levels in the brain…

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Terpenes and Cannabinoids Explained

Terpenes and Cannabinoids Explained

All varieties of cannabis and hemp have terpenes and cannabinoids, which make up the plant’s therapeutic functions. Understanding the role of terpenes and cannabinoids can help you make sense of how the plant’s compounds help improve your health…

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Tips for Getting a Good Night’s Sleep in the Heat

Tips for Getting a Good Night’s Sleep in the Heat

Getting good sleep in the heat can be difficult. It is critical to our well-being, mental health, mood, focus, and productivity to get enough shut-eye each night. We have a long, hot, dry summer ahead of us, and the hot weather can interfere with…

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Elevate Your Wellness, Inspire Greatness!

Elevate Your Wellness, Inspire Greatness!

There is a sense of fulfillment and wellbeing that is felt when you are living in balance and doing what you love. When your physical and mental health are in good shape the energizing effect inspires and encourages you to put your best foot forward…

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8 Facts About The Hemp Plant

8 Facts About The Hemp Plant

The hemp plant contains a wide variety of cannabinoids. Scientists have determined there are over 100 cannabinoids in hemp. These diverse cannabinoids act on CB receptors. The most popular cannabinoid in hemp is CBD. It has received a lot of attention…

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How CBD Influences the Immune System

How CBD Influences the Immune System

The cannabinoids our body naturally produces and those found in hemp operate in similar ways to maintain balance. When cannabinoids interact with receptors in the body, they regulate and maintain biological functions, including our immune system…

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5 CBD Tips to Be Informed About

5 CBD Tips to Be Informed About

At Strainz, we feel it is important that you understand that not all CBD products are created equally, and there is a large variance in quality and manufacturing methods. CBD is a diverse wellness tool used to support many ailments and health conditions…

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Acute and Chronic Inflammation in Relation to CB Receptors

Acute and Chronic Inflammation in Relation to CB Receptors

Inflammation is the body’s response to outside threats like stress, infection, and toxins. It can be caused by an allergen, a health condition, an injury, or anything the body deems a threat. Our immune system responds to these threats by activating proteins to protect cells…

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Full Spectrum CBD Softgel Highlights

Full Spectrum CBD Softgel Highlights

Strainz CBD Softgelz are the perfect quick and simple way to supplement cannabidiol. Whether you take CBD daily as a part of your health maintenance regime or for occasional wellness support to target imbalances, Strainz Softgels…

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Migraine Headaches and CBD Oil

Migraine Headaches and CBD Oil

If you are someone who suffers from migraines you may want to look into trying a dose of cannabidiol (CBD), next time you feel a migraine headache coming on. When a migraine headache hits it can be sudden and completely debilitating, sending you down for hours…

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The “Entourage Effect” Explained

The “Entourage Effect” Explained

The term “Entourage Effect” refers to the effect of all parts of the cannabis or hemp plant, such as cannabinoids and terpenes working together as a whole, having a more profound impact versus an isolated cannabinoid on its own. In 1998, Israeli Cannabis researcher Raphael Mechoulam and his team studied…

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A Beginners Guide To Making CBD Infused Food

A Beginners Guide To Making CBD Infused Food

Want to switch up the way you take your Strainz CBD and have some fun? You can dose cannabidiol in many forms or simply place it under the tongue. That’s great when you are on the go or need relief fast, but, why not try something new? Mix it up and use it in delicious…

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Using CBD Oil For Injury Recovery

Using CBD Oil For Injury Recovery

Dealing with an Injury or inflammation? Cannabidiol (CBD), is an excellent tool for a variety of uses including sports recovery or physical injuries limiting your range of motion and causing inflammation in the body. Whether you have pushed yourself too hard…

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Identifying High Quality CBD Oil – Buyer Tips

Identifying High Quality CBD Oil – Buyer Tips

At Strainz, we feel it is important that you understand that not all CBD products are created equally and there is a large variance in quality and manufacturing methods. There are several products on the market made from hemp, hemp extracts, and hemp seed oil…

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What Does CBD Feel Like In Your Body?

What Does CBD Feel Like In Your Body?

Thinking of trying Strainz CBD products? We often hear the question, “How does CBD make you feel?” How long does it take to feel its effects? Cannabidiol products are available almost everywhere and in just about anything you…

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